These beautiful little infant caps for newborns at Moma Hospital are a gift from the women of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Albuquergue, NM.
The leader of the knitters was Donna Barr (left) who made most of the 100 caps that will be delivered by Mike Clement from Myers Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC. when he visits the Congo this November.
Sitting to Donna’s left is Frances (“Frannie”) Spooner Jarrett, also a member of St. Andrew Presbyterian, who was raised at Moma. Her missionary father Joe Spooner actually oversaw the building of the additions to the hospital back in 1956 from plans provided by Dr. Melford Dickerson.
The caps will be a welcome gift to the newborns, especially those who are premature, have low birth weight, or are sick. These at-risk infants cannot always produce enough heat to keep their little bodies warm. The caps will help keep many babies safe and healthy.