We have Reached Goal! For the past 3 months we have been making an all out effort to raise $7,000 for the purchase of 274 Family Lifestraws for Moma Hospital. It is with much joy to tell you that the goal has been met and the Lifestraws are on their way from Kinshasa (capitol of the Congo) to Moma!
Moma has no source of clean drinking water. So, for the first time in many years the patients who come to the hospital will have safe water. When the patient leaves the hospital the Lifestraw will go with them. Each Lifestraw will provide clean drinking water to a family of 5 for 3 years.
Special “Thank Yous” go to vacation Bible schools at Christ Presbyterian in New Braunfels, Tx and Bay Area Presbyterian in Webster, Tx. Thank you to all who helped make each VBS so successful for Moma Hospital! We also want to thank Christ Presbyterian Mission Committee and to members of Christ Presbyterian who contribute each month to our ongoing projects through our “a dollar a month for Moma Hospital” donation jars at the church.
And, of course, many thanks to the numerous individuals who have given to the Lifestraws project. It all adds up and has been making a significant difference for the hospital!