Shelves that were full of medicines more than a year ago are now empty at Moma Hospital’s pharmacy. Dr. Jeff Mukendi, Medical Director at Moma, said in a recent email that it has been 8 months since the hospital has received medicines.
To ensure this situation does not occur again, Friends of Moma Hospital has launched a campaign to raise $9,000 to supplement what little comes in from the government in order to keep the hospital supplied with basic essential medicines.
To help us reach the $9,000 goal, we need your help. Please click here to donate.
$35 will pay for basic medicines for 1 day
$50 will pay for 3 blood transfusions
$105 will pay for basic medicines for 3 days
Due to several events in 2014 that came together like the “perfect storm,” Moma did not get all of its drugs and supplies.
First, the medical director left in early summer and was not replaced until 6 months later. Second, funds that were expected from the Congo government did not appear because there was no one in charge of the hospital. Third, because of its remote setting, Moma Hospital did not receive any funds for drugs that would normally come from international charities and NGOs operating in the Western Kasai Province.

Pharmacy shelves full in 2013

Same shelves now empty