Beginning immediately, Friends of Moma Hospital will be partnering with Mission:Hope (formerly Rivers of the World (ROW)) to support the administration and distribution of donations. All donations previously administered through Medical Benevolence Foundation will continue to be used for Moma Hospital; however, all new donations will go through Mission: Hope.
Mission: Hope (M:H) is dedicated to working with local leaders, professionals, and churches to transform remote villages into sustainable ones. M:H is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.
Why the change? MBF has been a wonderful partner over the past 5 years. With its help monies have been distributed to rebuild the hospital’s infrastructure; purchase medicine, equipment, instruments, medical kits; and to assist in the ministry at the hospital. However, MBF’s mission is focused primarily on medical care and health promotion for those in impoverished communities.
After the recent raids on Moma by militants, which left so much death and damage, we realized that Moma Hospital is not an island, but instead is an integral part of the Moma community. What happens in the village, affects the hospital, and vice versa. We looked for a partner with a much broader mission, but at the same time would keep health care as a central component.
Mission: Hope looks at the village as a whole to determine its needs. Every village requires a strategy customized for its unique challenges. For Moma, this includes creating sustainable practices in areas of health care, clean water, sanitation, education and training, infrastructure building and repair, transportation and communication, and Christian ministry.
Mission: Hope is not new to working in the Congo and the Kasai Province. It has supported many projects in the Congo over the years and has a long working relationship with the Congo Presbyterian Church, under whose auspices Moma Hospital operates.